Tuesday, November 26, 2013

There is Hope!

I just got some great news. Most of you won't give two shits about this, but I am so happy right now! As I have mentioned in the past, I have thyroid disease. As a military wife, it is SO TOUGH to find a good doctor every time we move to a new duty station. Once your thyroid levels get imbalanced, it can take months to correct them--so it is extremely important to find a doctor that will listen to you and continue the treatment plan that the doctor before them was following. I had finally found an amazing doctor in Texas; he helped me not only get my thyroid levels balanced, but I also lost 35 pounds under his care and was in the best shape I had been in years. Of course the weight loss didn't magically happen overnight and I had to work hard for it, but at least it worked because I was taking the right dosage of medication for my body. But once I accomplished that awesome year of weight loss and getting healthy, we inevitably got orders to move away....which of course meant starting over with a new doctor.

I have seen three different doctors here in the past two years, and in my opinion they all need to go back to medical school. This last one really pissed me off had no desire to listen to me and only focused on my blood test results, which is a recipe for disaster when it comes to thyroid disease. Here's a quick lesson: There is a "range" that is considered normal for thyroid hormone levels. For fun, let's just say that normal levels should be between 10 and 20 (this is just an example--that is nowhere close to what these numbers are in reality). Some people's bodies function best at 20, others at 13, some at 17, etc etc. For me, my body functions best at the "high" end of the spectrum. This has been proven by my doctor in Texas; I lost weight, I felt good, I was healthy, I wasn't moody, I had energy, I had skin clear of acne and excema, my hair wasn't falling out, and life was beautiful.

Fast foward to the present time: My most recent doctor felt, for some undisclosed reason, that I should be at the lower end of the spectrum (despite my temper tantrums) and therefore....I have gained back that 35 pounds, my hair is falling out, I feel like crap half the time with no energy, I have acne and dry skin, I'm moody and stressed out. Thanks for nothing, doc!

But now, I have a small, tiny, itty-bitty glimmer of hope because I just found out that I have been assigned to a new endocrinologist. The nurse assured me that this new doctor is "the best" and will definitely review my treatment plan and listen to what I'm telling them. She has been on the wrong end of my bitch sessions for the past year about the yahoos they have had in rotation there, but thankfully those morons are now gone and a new team of doctors is in place. Woohoo!

Could this really be the end of my thyroid nightmare? Maybe, at least for the remainder of the time we live here, that is.Then next time we get orders, it will be time to start all over again. **sigh**

Stay tuned for the next segment of Thyroid Gone Crazy :)

~Fluffy Girl~

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