Tuesday, November 12, 2013

I totally Fartlek'd! In the SNOW!!

Okay okay, I know most of the people who actually read my blog (Hi Mom! I think you are the only one!) will have no idea what "fartlek" means. And no, it has nothing to do with what you are thinking! Fartlek is a Swedish word that literally means "speed play." The English dictionary definition is "a training technique, used especially among runners, consisting of bursts of intense effort alternating with less strenuous activity." So basically, it's just a funny-sounding word for interval training. 

I started my run today and once again my shins started hurting within the first half mile. Yesterday I solved the problem by running faster and things went well, but today that wasn't working so I decided to fartlek to give myself small breaks from the pain. I would run until I couldn't possibly run anymore, and then walked for fifteen seconds--and repeat. I did that for the entire distance, and finished only 22 seconds slower than yesterday. You gotta do what you gotta do to get past the pain sometimes. 

The other thing that slightly hindered my performance was the 35 mph wind gusts and the snow slapping my face. Yes, it was actually snowing here!  It wasn't much and it didn't stick to the ground, but those little ice crystals kinda stung when the wind really picked up. 

I wasn't sure what to wear when I left the house because I heat up really quickly when I run and I hate being overheated, but it was also pretty chilly with that strong wind so I went with a sweatshirt with a tank top underneath, jogging capris, and a scarf just in case things got out of hand with the wind/snow. 

I could tell by watching the people in my neighborhood that they aren't used to the cold around here--one lady actually got in her car to drive to the mailbox that was about 30 yards away from her front door. Seriously!? Another guy asked me if I was okay, like I was out there running away from someone. I replied, "I'm fantastic!" and he said, "You are crazy." Hmmmm.....maybe!

Total Steps: 10,788
Training Run: 3 miles
Feeling: Accomplished, and a little chilly! 

~Fluffy Girl~

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