Monday, November 4, 2013

Goals and Ambitions

I recently turned 34 years old. While that may not seem very old in the grand scope of things, I am having a hard time with being that age. Don't get me wrong--I love my life and I'm very thankful for all that I have, but I feel like I'm lacking something...I think it's time to come up with some goals and ambitions.

Being a military wife has made it difficult to focus on a career goal for myself since we move so often, and I haven't had a lot of opportunity to fully engage myself in a job before we have to move on to the next duty station. Heck, even finding a job at all is difficult in this economy, let alone scoring a job that I may actually enjoy for the short amount of time we live there. But some big changes are coming up in the next year, and I must admit that I am scared. There are so many big decisions to make, and one of those is for me to figure out what I want to do career-wise. I have tried many different occupations in my life, and I can't really say I want to continue doing any of them. I'm sick of the same old desk jobs where I sit and count down the hours until I can leave. I want a job that I actually enjoy doing--not just a place to go collect a paycheck. The problem is, I'm not really sure what that might be.

One thing I have always enjoyed is writing, and that's one of the many reasons I started this blog. When I was growing up, my favorite subject in school was English. Any type of reading or writing was my favorite thing to do. I can't even tell you how many books I have read in my life, but it would be in the thousands for sure. I took some creative writing classes in college, and everyone always told me they loved my work. It would be amazing to someday become a columnist for a magazine, a professional blogger for a website, or even write a book. But unfortunately, none of those things will be adding numbers to my checkbook until a make a name for myself, get my work out there, and grab everyone's attention. But....where to begin???

The one ambition I do have right now is to run a marathon. I was not athletic growing up, and as I said in my "Back to Basics" post (which you can read Here ), I couldn't even run one lap around a track when I first began running. Unfortunately, due to a stubborn doctor and my thyroid disease's effects on my body, I haven't been running much for the past year. This is so not cool. But, I'm going to change that because my training starts in one week, screwy thyroid or not! I am so excited to start this journey and push myself beyond my limits. Never in a million years would I have thought I could run a marathon, but gosh darn it, I am going to do it. Hopefully this will also inspire me and give me the confidence to try other things that I never thought I could do. The possibilities are endless!

What are some goals/ambitions that you have, and what are you doing to achieve them?

~Fluffy Girl~

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