Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mixed Feelings

Today I finally went to my first group run, and I have mixed feelings about it. It was awkward before and after the run because I didn't know anybody and everyone else seemed to have connections. The only person who talked to me was the 60-something year old guy who sold me my shoes at the running store last week. The conversation felt forced and he asked me a lot of the same questions he asked when he sold me my shoes. Oh well, at least he was trying to be nice. Hopefully next time I will talk to some folks and possibly make a friend. What's weird is that I used to be a very sociable person and could talk to anybody, but I guess I have lost my touch. I am much more introverted now. How, when and why did that happen I wonder?

One cool thing was that they were giving out some free swag from Brooks. I got a technical shirt, a water bottle, and a training log.

I did like the group atmosphere because it has a certain energy about it that you can't get when running alone. We ran five miles through the Battlefields of Yorktown where the Civil War was fought. The scenery was gorgeous with all the fall colors and rolling hills. One thing that made me nervous was that we were running on a trail I had never been on, and there were multiple splits in the trail that could lead you a few miles in the wrong direction if you made a wrong turn. I made sure I stayed close to at least one person in front of me so I wouldn't get lost. My training plan called for six miles today, so I ran an extra mile when I got home. My legs are a little sore from all the hills because I'm not used to them, but my shins actually feel pretty good so far. We'll see about that tomorrow though. Overall I guess it was an okay experience because I kept a good pace, got my miles in, and experienced a new trail--but the social aspect was a little disappointing. After reading about the November Project last night in the most recent issue of Runner's World, I guess I was expecting more camaraderie...and some hugs :)

This afternoon, Hubs made me feel better by showing some love and doing what he does best: spoiling me. What girl doesn't like yummy drinks and chocolate?!

Now I'm off to kick some ass in Yahtzee for Family Game Night. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

~Fluffy Girl~

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