Friday, November 1, 2013

Soccer Mom Pride


Planks: 45 seconds x 5 sets

Total Steps: 11,370

So in case you didn't know, I have been a Proud Soccer Mom for 12 years. And yes, I just capitalized that because it is that important to me! I don't mean to brag or anything, but my kid ROCKS at soccer. I used to be one of those moms who ran up and down the side of the field screaming my head off like a maniac and hurling insults that are meant to be constructive, but I have settled down now...a little bit. I'm usually able to stay in my chair these days and keep my trap shut, but sometimes I get the urge to be "that mom" again--particularly during games when the kids are playing like they have never seen a soccer ball before. What is even harder to be quiet about is when the refs make insanely horrible calls on the field--that is the worst!!

Wednesday night was the last game of the fall season for my son's rec league. They were undefeated, so it wasn't going to be all that stressful since they already had first place in the bag. It turned out that the opposing team (which happens to be my son's girlfriend's team) forfeited because they thought they didn't have enough players even though their entire team ended up showing at the last minute. So, they decided to play just for fun instead. It was a nice way to end the season with a fun and silly game with no pressure. A couple of the coaches joined in, and one even played barefoot. Now that takes guts--there is no way I would play soccer barefoot with a bunch of rowdy teenagers and expect to keep all my toes. But, everyone (and their extremities) survived and another successful soccer season comes to a close. We are the champions!!

I found this pic recently and laughed my butt off while simultaneously shedding a tear at it's cuteness. It's amazing how quickly time goes by and how much our kids change without us even realizing it.


I believe this was my son's first soccer team when he was 4 years old. Can you pick him out?
 And present day...

Tabb High School Soccer Team, Spring 2013

I don't know what I'm gonna do without this guy in a couple years :(  Love you Oopie Doopie!

~Fluffy Girl~

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