Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Small World

The weekend was super duper busy with shopping, gift wrapping, running, got my hair done, more shopping, more gift wrapping, cleaning, laundry, and trying to dodge all the sick germies in my house. Both Hubs and Boy had a bad cold, but luckily I have somehow managed to stay healthy (so far). I really hope they both feel better today since we are about to spend the next five days together!

On Saturday I went for my run on a 3 mile loop trail. While I was on my second lap, a lady I had passed by earlier gave me a high five and said, "You go girl! You are doing great!!" It's so nice to have a complete stranger encourage me and give me props for my effort. That lady made my day and put a smile on my face :)

Funny story--when I was getting my hair done the other day, my stylist and I were catching up on everything that has happened over the past two months since I saw her last. She asked me a question about Boy's relationship status and called his girl by her name, which I thought was a little odd since I couldn't recall ever telling her that. Well, it turns out that she does her hair too, as well as her mother's! The stylist put two and two together when girlfriend's mom told her a story and she felt like she had heard it before--from me! It sure is a small world.

 ~Fluffy Girl~

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