Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Crazy Time at the Hospital

Well folks, the long anticipated doctor appointment occurred today. On the way home I was incredibly upset about the outcome and fought back tears of disappointment the entire 30 miles. Then when I got home, Hubs gave me lots of hugs and kisses and rubbed my back, and then he forced me to go on a run. I felt a little better after that. And yes, he actually did force me--he literally put my socks and running shoes on my feet, smacked my ass, said "Go get it, Champ" and sent me on my way. There was no arguing with the giant. 

During my run I decided maybe it will all turn out okay. Before I get into the boring details of my appointment, let me first entertain you with the absurd story of my arrival at the hospital. 

Upon entering the parking garage, I knew it was going to be a major pain in the ass to find a spot just by looking at the faces of the other drivers. They had that 'Oh my god, I'm about to drive my vehicle off the edge of the top level" look on their faces. I drove around and around and around the five levels numerous times trying to find someone to stalk to their vehicle so I could have their spot. Unfortunately, there were about 20 other people doing the same exact thing as me. I finally found a spot, pulled in, and heaved a huge sigh of relief. As I got out of the car, I noticed a blue line surrounding my parking spot and let out a long string of curse words that would send my mother running for the holy water to douse me with. It was a damn handicapped spot! Why hadn't I noticed this when I parked there?! Ugh. I got back in the car for another five laps around the parking garage. Finally I found a spot on the top level, so then I had the pleasure of running through the pouring rain to the stairs. I got all the way to the main building of the hospital, but somehow I was at a different entrance than I usually use. The Naval hospital is ginormous, so it took me five minutes to figure out where I was in the building and then navigate my way through numerous corridors to the endocrinology department. I finally found it and then waited in line to get checked in behind a mother with a screaming baby. Babies are cute and all, but I have no patience for them when they are screaming in a public place. It was finally my turn so I stepped up to the desk, and every military wife's worst nightmare happened....I couldn't find my military ID. You are pretty much worthless without your ID on a military installation and they wouldn't allow me to check in without it, so I had to sprint back through the building, back up the 5 levels of stairs in the parking garage--still in the pouring rain I might add--and then I couldn't find my car. So now not only had I lost my military ID, but also my vehicle. After another few minutes of running around like a loony tune, I finally found my car. I got in, shook my hair out like a dog, and frantically started searching for my ID. I found it in the crack between my seat and the console. I have no idea how it got there since I had just used it to get in the gate, but who really knows at that point. I probably threw it in a fit of rage after realizing my first choice of a parking spot had been illegal. So then I had to run back down the five levels of stairs, and when I got to the bottom I realized I was at yet another entrance that I didn't recognize. Once inside, I came to the conclusion that I wasn't even in the right building. I grabbed the first person I saw who looked like they might know where the hell I was and asked ordered them to take me all the way to the endocrinology department because at that point I was soaked to the bone (and remember how I just said the other day how much I despise being wet from the rain?!), I was pissed off, and I couldn't even think straight. I must have looked just crazy enough to be scary, because the young sailor didn't say a word as he quickly took me through two buildings and right up to the check-in desk at Endo. He was gone before I even had the chance to thank him, but I'm sure his quick escape from the wacky lady was reward enough.

From there, my time at the hospital didn't get any better. Since I have practically written half a novel tonight though, I think I will save the details of my disappointment with the new doctor for my next post. 

Stay tuned!

~Fluffy Girl~

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