Friday, December 13, 2013

He's a Quack

Alright, I know I've left everyone hanging the last few days since my doctor appointment earlier this week so here's a long story short: This new doctor is a quack.

I started out the appointment by explaining all my symptoms, and believe me the list is quite long. The doctor typed everything I said into my record on the computer so I know he heard what I was saying, but he wasn't listening. There's a big difference. Strike One.

Then he showed me the results of my blood test which verified exactly what I thought was happening: all my thyroid levels are all on the low end of the "normal" spectrum. As in, JUST ABOVE the minimum. I explained to him all the things that I went through the last time my levels were low back in 2010-2011 and how my doctor in Texas helped me find my "sweet spot". I told him exactly what dosage of Synthroid I was taking and how amazing I felt at that time, and that I had huge weight loss success when I was at the higher end of the "normal" spectrum. But, just like his predecessor, this new doctor refuses to change my dosage because I am indeed within the normal range. Strike Two. 

Next we talked about changing my medication to a natural brand instead of the synthetic that I have been taking my entire life. There have been numerous studies conducted that show that a majority of people felt better and had less symptoms when taking the natural thyroid hormones, and they had better weight loss success. I have read numerous articles about it (it's called Armour Thyroid), and I asked him if that was something that the military prescribes. There is some controversy surrounding this medication, but the doctor said that I could definitely try it and see if I felt better. He calculated the conversion to find the dosage I would need and entered the prescription in the computer. It seemed like this was a small victory and maybe things would get better--until I went to the pharmacy. The doctor did indeed put the prescription in for the Armour Thyroid, but when I went to pick it up I was told that military pharmacies don't carry that medication.  Seeing how I was on a military base, at a military hospital, being seen by a military doctor, don't you think he would know that I couldn't even get this medication there???!!! Strike Three.

HE'S OUT!!  Quack quack.

~Fluffy Girl~

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