Wednesday, December 4, 2013


I'm back! I got a little derailed over the past week when my brother and his wife came to visit, but I'm ready to get back on track. We had lots of fun showing them around the area and just hanging out. We had lots of good laughs and created some memories that will be talked about for years. It is always an interesting time when the five of us get together!

One good thing about getting a little off track on my running was that it gave my shins a much needed break. I only ran on Monday and Saturday last week, so my legs got some good recovery time in between. I'm beginning to wonder if the pain is more than just shin splints and possibly something more serious like a stress fracture. I ran 3 miles yesterday and had some pain, but I pushed through it and finished at the best pace I've had since I started my training. Tomorrow I'm scheduled for 5 miles, so I guess we will see how that goes.

I'm still waiting to hear back from my new endocrinologist about the results of my blood test. I thought I would have heard something by now, so I will be calling him tomorrow to see what my thyroid levels are. I'm really anxious to meet with him to discuss my weight and other health issues--this has gone on far too long, and I am really getting sick of it. I just want to feel good again!

~Fluffy Girl~

1 comment:

I'm interested to hear what you think!