Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Walk It Out..and a Throwback

I never did get around to that foam roller last night, but I did go for a really nice, relaxing 4 mile walk. I had forgotten how much I love walking since I've been focusing more on my marathon training for the past two months. Walking has always helped me de-stress by giving me time to think things over that have been bothering me. By the time I'm done, I usually feel so much calmer and in a better mood than when I started. For some reason running doesn't give me the same peace of mind that walking does--probably because when I'm running, I am too focused on my pace and breathing and whatever pain my body is producing.  I need to start going for more walks on my non-running days to clear my head and come home refreshed.

We are supposed to be getting a "snowstorm" today over here on the East Coast, but it hasn't done anything yet. Since I am originally from Wisconsin, I find it hilarious that a forecast of a couple inches of the white stuff can produce such mass hysteria. People are talking about going to the store for supplies and making sure they have enough food, water, etc etc. What exactly do they think is going to happen? It's not the apocalypse people, it's just a little snow. Everything will be okay.

Every time I think about snow I remember one of my first dates with Hubs. It was the dead of winter, temperatures were somewhere in the teens, it was snowing (and there was already a couple feet on the ground), and we thought it would be a great idea to walk home from the bar with no coats on. Hubs has the bladder of an eighty year old, so he had to stop along the way home to take care of business next to a parked car. Just then, a fire truck came flying out of the fire station that was a couple blocks away from my house and it scared the crap out of us. Hubs went running down the road trying to get his stuff zipped back up and all I can remember is his tiny white hiney flashing me as he ran away from the fire truck. I also demolished my own son's snowman that night (sorry buddy, the truth finally comes out!) while trying to show off my kickboxing skills, although they weren't very good skills considering it took me a few tries to knock it down. We laughed so hard that night, and I wish we could go back to being so young and silly and carefree. It's hard to believe that was nine years ago already. Where has the time gone??

Here's a little throwback from our wild and carefree days. I miss those times soooo much.....

Weren't we cute?
Hubs and Me, Summer 2005
~Fluffy Girl~

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