Friday, January 24, 2014

Ten Things

With another deployment looming on the horizon, I have been thinking a lot about the things I want to do with Hubs before he has to leave again. Of course this list is actually a mile long, but here are the top ten:

1. Go on a date every weekend. We often go several months without doing anything fun together. That is totally lame and it makes me sad.

2. Show him more love. One thing I know I'm not very good at is showin' some love. I have never been a real touchy-feely kind of person, but I have come to realize during his past deployments that I miss his touch soooo much. Hugs, holding hands, snuggling...all that stuff. I know I will miss it tremendously in a few months when he's gone, so he better watch out because I'm bringing it on.

3. Get professional family photos taken. We have been saying this for the past 6.5 years and still haven't done it. It's time.

4. Go on a weekend getaway--just the two of us. It has probably been about five years since we have just packed up and went somewhere alone for the weekend. We don't have to go far...just somewhere away from this crazy traffic and city life would be marvelous.

5. Surprise him with something he will never forget. Obviously, I can't tell you what it is. It's a secret!

6. Take lots of pictures. I want to take tons of pictures of us doing random things and being silly together. Looking at them will help me get through those tough, lonely days during his deployment.

7. Be more sociable. We haven't made many friends since we moved here two years ago. Part of that is our fault because we haven't really put ourselves out there too much, but also I think it is hard to make friends at this stage in life. Everyone is so busy with work, kids, school, etc. and a lot of times we don't have much in common with most people our age. Everyone else is having babies, and we are close to being empty-nesters. But, I hope we can somehow meet some more people to hang out and create memories with before he leaves.

8. Go on a REAL family vacation. We have never done this. Every year we use our vacation time to go back to Wisconsin to visit our families and friends. No offense, but I don't consider that a vacation because it is very stressful for me and I just can't relax there. Plus, we all kind of head our separate ways and do our own thing--we barely see eachother while we are up there! So, I want one week of just me and my guys exploring somewhere new and having the time of our lives together.

9. Do something outside our comfort zone. I have no clue what this will entail quite yet, but it's going to be something really cool. I promise. Ideas welcome :)

10. Throw him a kick-ass farewell party. Before Hubs deployed in 2012, I threw him a pretty awesome birthday/farewell party in our hometown. It was a lot of fun, and I plan to do it again this time around--only BIGGER and BETTER!

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