Thursday, January 16, 2014

Battle of the Sexes

Being the only female at work has it's pros and cons.


1. I have my own bathroom. I can spend as much time in there as I want, and nobody can bother me.

2. Every time I pull up to the shop with a truckload of material, the guys practically race eachother to come over and unload it. I think it is hilarious. What a bunch of buffoons!

3. I don't have to deal with other women's catty attitudes. Come on ladies, let's admit it--when there is an office full of women, there is bound to be drama. And there's always "that one" who nobody likes, but we are all forced to make nice and tolerate her crazy ass. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with any of this nonsense.

4. When it's time to go home, the guys always let me budge in line to punch out.

5. A majority of our customers and vendors have said that they prefer to deal with me instead of my boss. However, this probably actually has nothing to do with me being a girl and more to do with the fact that my boss is--um, we'll just say "a difficult person to deal with"--but whatever. I'll take the compliment.


1. Men stink--literally.

2. I don't have anyone to talk to or be friends with. Face it--most guys couldn't care less who got booted off of The Bachelor, and they don't want to hear about the hilarious thing my husband/son/dog/cat did last night. I do miss the "social" part of working with other women.

3. There's nobody to back me up when the boss is being a complete macho and egotistical bully. I think if there was another female around here, this wouldn't happen nearly as much as it does now.

4. People treat me like I'm an idiot because I work in a male-dominant industry. Sure, I don't know how to use a lathe or weld, but give me some credit. If you are trying to screw me over on pricing for material or sell me something I don't need just because I'm a girl, then YOU are the idiot. Don't you know that buying stuff and getting good deals is what women thrive at?? Duh, stupid.

5.  I will never understand this phenomenon: How men can be complete psycho jerkwads one second and then turn around and act like nothing ever happened. Kind of like the whole, I'm-going-to-punch-your-lights-out-and-then-shake-your-hand-and-buy-you-a-beer thing. This phenomenon happens around here on a daily basis, and it blows my mind every time. {poof}

What do you think--would you rather work with all women or all men?

~Fluffy Girl~

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