Monday, January 13, 2014

Runner's Envy

Yesterday when my husband woke up, he decided that he needed to go run a half marathon--so he strapped on his shoes and did just that in under two hours. The reason this blows my mind is because he didn't train for it, he just did it. Sure, he runs a few miles a couple times a week for PT, but not usually more than 4-5 miles at a time. When he got home and showed me his tracker, I was overcome with runner's envy. How can he just wake up one day and decide to run a half marathon without training, and then pull off a sub 2:00??? I wish I was even half as athletic as he is.

After my envy subsided, I figured I better get my fluffy butt out there and get my 8 miles in. It turned out to be a pretty weird run. The first couple of miles I could not get my breathing or pace under control, so I took a walking break and gave myself a pep talk. The next four miles went really well, but then I got stuck waiting for traffic at a red light and that completely threw me off.  The last two miles I was cursing my heavy legs and just wishing it was over already.

On a good note, I finally broke out of that two pound yo-yo effect I've had going on with my weight for the past few months. I actually lost a couple pounds! I just hope I can continue on this path and not go back up again. Could this mean that my new thyroid medicine is finally working?? I sure hope so!

~Fluffy Girl~

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