Monday, February 3, 2014

Escaping the Funk

The last week of January was a total drag for me. I tried several times to produce something worth reading, but every post I started to write became an angry rant so I deleted every single one. I finally escaped my emotional funk on Saturday, which resulted in a spontaneous decision to sign up for a 10k that took place on Sunday. I'm so glad I did it--the adrenaline rush of the race gave me a new wave of motivation and focus.

Ready, Set, GO!
Another medal for my growing collection :)
Got a new 10k PR on the books! 
It's hard to believe my half marathon is only 40 days away--it is coming up super fast. I'm hoping there isn't any more snow/ice this winter so I can get back on track with my training schedule and pull off that half marathon PR I'm gunning for. I'm also thinking about signing up for another 10k that is coming up on March 1 for a little extra motivation to train harder. Who knows, maybe I could also beat the 10k PR I just made yesterday! Wow, two PR's in one month. Can I handle it?! I think so :) 

There's something magical for me about participating in races . Some people don't get it and say, well you can run for free--why pay to run in races? I'm not sure exactly what it is...the excitement, the adrenaline, the competitiveness, the camaraderie, the race against yourself to obtain a new PR, the race swag...I guess a combination of all those things is what makes them special. Now what I really need is to find some running buddies to make races even more fun! 

Who's in??

~Fluffy Girl~

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