Wednesday, February 5, 2014

I Double-Dog Dare You

Have you ever had a "moment" that made you wonder about your own sanity? I had one of those moments yesterday.

I was at Lowe's getting some supplies for work and there was a little girl and her mother in front of me in line at the checkout. The mother was scolding the little girl for something she had done wrong and she just kept going on and on. I was getting a little annoyed myself at the mother's endless rant when all of a sudden the little girl turned around and screamed at the top of her lungs. And it was L-O-U-D. The mother immediately clamped her hand over the girl's mouth and pulled her aside. When she stopped, the mother asked the girl why she was screaming and the girl said "Because it feels good."

The girl's response stuck in my mind as I paid for my stuff and walked out to the truck. I tried to remember the last time I had actually screamed. Not like a "woohoo" kind of scream you do at a concert or sporting event--but a real, blood curdling scream like you are so scared by something that you wet your pants. I do remember a screaming phase I went through when I was little, but that didn't last long because my brother would pound the snot out of me every time I did it.

Since I couldn't exactly pinpoint the last time I had screamed, I figured I was about due for a good ear-popping one. As I was driving back to the shop, I let out a little blurp. It wasn't much, but I was surprised by how loud it seemed. I'm generally a pretty quiet person so this was beyond my usual decibal range. I tried it again..and then again...and one more time before I started to feel a little weirded out by this strange experiment I was doing. I felt a little crazy doing it, but I decided to give it one more try and to make it a really good one. And guess what--that little girl was absolutely right. It felt so good that I laughed at myself for not figuring this out sooner. I think I have found a new stress management tool!

I'm sure some of you are thinking, wow she has definitely gone off the deep end this time. But I double-dog dare you to try it for yourself. Go somewhere--preferably where nobody will be alarmed and think you are being murdered--and scream it out. Think about all the things that have been stressing you out, all the hurt you feel inside, all the anger you have been bottling up, and just let it all out. You will be glad you did, I promise.

Maybe there really is something good about all that "screamo" music.....
~Fluffy Girl~

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