Monday, February 17, 2014

Best. Present. Ever.

So I'm not a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but I must admit this one was pretty good. Hubs and I had agreed not to celebrate, but of course he still got me a little something anyways. It was meant more as a joke but actually turned out to really come in handy.

Yup, that is exactly what you think it is folks. A rolling pin. And he wasn't even wanting me to bake anything!

The other day I was talking about foam rolling, and I mentioned that it would be a lot less awkward if I had something handheld "like a rolling pin" to roll out my IT band which has been hurting like hell lately. So, being the awesomely wonderful husband that he is, he actually got me a rolling pin! And guess what--it works like a charm on my IT band. Thanks babe!

Then Hubs took me to a new (to us anyways) restaurant, and it was absolutely delicious. We were a little nervous when the GPS started taking us in the direction it did, but it turned out to be okay. We went super early to beat the rush, and it's a good thing we did because the place filled up fast.

Loved their V-Day message. LOL!

We started off with an appetizer:

BBQ Deviled Eggs (there was meat mixed with the yolk & BBQ sauce on top)

We weren't sure about the egg/meat mixture at first, but they were really good. My favorite part was the dab of BBQ sauce on top.

And then these two whopping plates of food:

This was an insane amount of food, and of course we took a full box of leftovers home. Everything was really good, and the service was great. Hubs did a really good job picking out this place!

That pretty much wrapped up our night--by the time we stuffed ourselves with all this yummy goodness, all we had the energy to do was go home and lay on the couch. And of course I had to try out my new rolling pin, so I did that while we caught up on our DVR.

Juding from this display at Walmart, the marketing department had their own ideas about how to spend Valentine's Day. Ha!

~Fluffy Girl~

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