Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Always Write in Pencil

When I became an Army wife in 2007, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was happy (and honestly--relieved) to escape my tiny hometown in Wisconsin to begin a new chapter of my life with my new husband in Texas. Little did I know just how tough it was going to be.

I went through some very traumatic experiences when I was a teenager, but that is a different story for a different time...maybe. It's difficult for me to think/talk/write about it. But my point is, those experiences shaped me into the person I am today, which is a very strong woman who is also somewhat of a control freak. I can admit that. I don't like surprises, and it freaks me out to be in situations that I have no control over. As I have now learned, the military lifestyle is not easy for a control freak. I never know what the hell is going on or what will happen next.

Looking back, I now realize how unprepared I was and how little I knew about military life when I got married. Unless you grew up in a military family, it is impossible to have any idea how tough it is. All of the "unknowns" and "what-ifs" of military life make me a little crazy in the head sometimes. Between deployments, moving every couple years, field exercises, temporary duty assignments, 24 hour staff duty schedules, promotion boards, unit transfers, meetings, recalls, tracking soldiers, counselings, classes, constant phone calls and text messages, FRG functions, and everything else that soldiers do, it is really hard to keep track of whether he is coming or going sometimes.

Over the years I have learned one very basic and valuable lesson as a military wife:

ALWAYS write in pencil, because everything is subject to change.

For example, we just found out last week that the deployment has been postponed until the end of the summer. Of course we are thankful for the extra couple months of family time, but on the other hand we have already been in "deployment mode" for a while now and we kinda just want to get it over with already. It's an emotional roller coaster to think he's about to leave, and then think we have more time, but also knowing it can all change again at the blink of an eye. This is the type of thing that drives me absolutely bonkers. I have no control over any of it!

Being an Army Wife is definitely challenging and there will always be situations that aren't ideal, but I don't regret a second of it. I am proud to support my hero and his career, and I will do whatever it takes to stand behind him.

I guess I should go buy some more pencils.

~Fluffy Girl~

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